zForex Forex Penguin

Headway Forex Penguin
zForex Forex Penguin

Headway Forex Penguin

IGM Forex

Last Updated: Nov 4, 2024 @ 3:29 pm

IGM Forex

A Quick Summary of IGM Forex

🕵 Broker TypeSTP
📌 RegulatedCySEC (Cyprus)
💰 Min Deposit€250
📈 Demo AccountYes
💱 Base CurrenciesAUD, CAD, CHF, EUR, GBP, NZD, USD
📊 PlatformsMobile, Proprietary
, Web
💎 AssetsAlgriculture, Commodities, Cryptos, Energies, Indices, Forex, Metals, Stock CFDs
📉 Hedging AllowedYes

IGM Forex Broker Details

Broker Contacts

Website Icon
Email Icon
Phone Icon
+357 25252371
Chat Support Icon
Chat Support
Live Chat Available
Support Form Icon
Support Form

Company Profile

Company Icon
Company Name
IGM Forex Limited
Year Icon
Year Founded
Headquarter Icon
Limassol, Cyprus
Regulated Icon
CySEC (Cyprus)
Country Icon
Countries Not Accepted
Afghanistan (AF), Albania (AL), Algeria (DZ), Andorra (AD), Angola (AO), Anguilla (AI), Antigua and Barbuda (AG), Argentina (AR), Armenia (AM), Aruba, Australia (AU), Azerbaijan (AZ), Bahamas (BS), Bahrain (BH), Bangladesh (BD), Barbados (BB), Belarus (BY), Belize (BZ), Benin (BJ), Bermuda (BM), Bhutan (BT), Bolivia (BO), Bonaire (BQ-BO), Bosnia and Herzegovina (BA), Botswana (BW), Brazil (BR), Brunei Darussalam (BN), Burkina Faso (BF), Burundi (BI), Cambodia (KH), Cameroon (CM), Canada (CA), Cape Verde (CV), Cayman Islands (KY), Central African Republic (CF), Chad (TD), Chile (CL), China (CN), Colombia (CO), Comoros (KM), Congo, Democratic Republic (CD), Congo, People’s Republic (CG), Costa Rica (CR), Cote d'Ivoire (CI), Crimea and Sevastopol, Cuba (CU), Curaçao (CW), Djibouti (DJ), Dominica (DM), Dominican Republic (DO), East Timor (TL), Ecuador (EC), Egypt (EG), El Salvador (SV), Equatorial Guinea (GQ), Eritrea (ER), Ethiopia (ET), Fiji (FJ), French Polynesia, Gabon (GA), Gambia (GM), Georgia (GE), Ghana (GH), Gibraltar (GI), Greenland (GL), Grenada (GD), Guam (GU), Guatemala (GT), Guinea (GN), Guinea-Bissau (GW), Guyana (GY), Haiti (HT), Honduras (HN), Hong Kong (HK), India (IN), Indonesia (ID), Iran (IR), Iraq (IQ), Israel (IL), Jamaica (JM), Japan (JP), Jordan (JO), Kazakhstan (KZ), Kenya (KE), Kiribati (KI), Kosovo (XK), Kuwait (KW), Kyrgyzstan (KG), Laos (LA), Lebanon (LB), Lesotho (LS), Liberia (LR), Libya (LY), Liechtenstein (LI), Macedonia (MK), Madagascar (MG), Malawi (MW), Malaysia (MY), Maldives (MV), Mali (ML), Marshall Islands (MH), Mauritania (MR), Mauritius (MU), Mexico (MX), Micronesia (FM), Moldova (MD), Monaco (MC), Mongolia (MN), Montenegro (ME), Morocco (MA), Mozambique (MZ), Myanmar (MM), Namibia (NA), Nauru (NR), Nepal (NP), New Zealand (NZ), Nicaragua (NI), Niger (NE), Nigeria (NG), Niue, North Korea (KP), Oman (OM), Pakistan (PK), Palau (PW), Palestine (PS), Panama (PA), Papua New Guinea (PG), Paraguay (PY), Peru (PE), Philippines (PH), Puerto Rico (PR), Qatar (QA), Russian Federation (RU), Rwanda (RW), Saint Barthelemy, Saint Kitts and Nevis (KN), Saint Lucia (LC), Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (VC), Samoa (WS), San Marino (SM), Sao Tome and Príncipe (ST), Saudi Arabia (SA), Senegal (SN), Serbia (RS), Serbia and Montenegro (CS), Seychelles (SC), Sierra Leone (SL), Singapore (SG), Sint Eustatius (BQ-SE), Sint Maarten, Solomon Islands (SB), Somalia (SO), South Africa (ZA), South Korea (KR), South Sudan (SS), Sri Lanka (LK), Sudan (SD), Suriname (SR), Svalbard and Jan Mayen, Swaziland (SZ), Syria (SY), Taiwan (TW), Tajikistan (TJ), Tanzania (TZ), Thailand (TH), Togo (TG), Tonga (TO), Trinidad and Tobago (TT), Tunisia (TN), Turkey (TR), Turkmenistan (TM), Turks and Caicos (TC), Tuvalu (TV), Uganda (UG), Ukraine (UA), United Arab Emirates (AE), United Kingdom (GB), United States (US), United States Minor Outlying Islands (UM), Uruguay (UY), Uzbekistan (UZ), Vanuatu (VU), Venezuela (VE), Vietnam (VN), Virgin Islands (VG), Virgin Islands of the United States (VI), Wallis and Futuna (WF), Western Sahara (EH), Yemen (YE), Yugoslavia (YU), Zambia (ZM), Zimbabwe (ZW)
Broker Type Icon
Broker Type
Straight Through Processing (STP)

Trading Conditions

Demo Account: Yes
Minimum Deposit: €250
Minimum Withdrawal: €10
Maximum Leverage: 1:400
Trading Fees EUR/USD: 0.04%
EA/Robotrading: Yes
Base Currency: AUD, CAD, CHF, EUR, GBP, NZD, USD
Hedging Allowed: Yes
Scalping Allowed: No
Negative Balance Protection: Yes
Swap Free/Islamic Account: No
Social Copy Trading: No
Trading Instrument Icon
Available Trading Instruments
Algriculture CFDs, Commodities CFDs, Cryptocurrencies, Energies CFDs, Equity Indices CFDs, Forex Pairs CFDs, Precious Metals CFDs, Stock CFDs
Payment Processor Icon
Available Payment Processors
Bank Cards, Bank Wire, Neteller, Prepaid Cards, Skrill
Trading Platform Icon
Available Trading Platforms
Mobile Platform, Proprietary Platform, Web Platform

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