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ShowFx World Online: Trading Webinar with Tusvendran Pillai

Home » Forex Events and Expos » ShowFx World Online: Trading Webinar with Tusvendran Pillai
Last Updated: Jul 22, 2021 @ 8:46 pm

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One of our top speakers is back! Book your seat for Tusvendran Pillai‘s webinar “Mastering Chart Pattern Analysis” next Thursday!

Date: 29th Jul 2021

Time: 8:45 PM Kuala Lumpur (GMT +8)

Presenter: Tusvendran Pillai

Venue: via Zoom


  • A chart pattern is a shape within a price chart that helps to suggest what prices might do next, based on what they have done in the past. Chart patterns are the basis of technical analysis and require a trader to know exactly what they are looking at, as well as what they are looking for.
  • Chart patterns are a very effective tool for a trader. They are used to for signaling reversal or continuation of the current trend, and to identify entry and exit points of a position. Chart patterns are formed over time and consist of multiple candlesticks.
  • A trader who knows how to find, understand and trade chart patterns will be able to navigate the financial markets effectively! Chart patterns are at the origin of all major price moves, they are the connection between trends and they are one of the most important market phenomena.

Do you want to know more about chart pattern analysis in order to become a more successful trader? Don’t miss the upcoming webinar with Tusvendran Pillai on 29 of July!

Extra bonuses of participation

  • Lucky-draw of 50,70,80,90 and 100 USD bonuses among all participants!
  • Super-quiz from Instaforex with a chance to win 1000 USD, 2000 USD, and iPhone SE!

 5 facts about ShowFx World:

  1. Since 2009 we’ve organized 47 conferences and expos aimed at educating traders and investors of all levels
  2. The geography of our events includes Moscow, Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Prague, Sofia, Cyprus, Riga, and more
  3. Over 15 000 attendees around the world
  4. Our speakers are highly qualified local and international teachers and experienced traders
  5. In the new realities of 2020, we decided to continue providing free educational opportunities to traders by switching to online events every two weeks.

Note! The webinar will be held in Malay.

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