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Are there Regulated Forex Brokers with No Deposit Bonus?

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Last Updated: Oct 7, 2024 @ 2:17 pm

If you found this post, you are looking for a no deposit bonus, but you also know the importance of trading with a regulated forex broker. You might be wondering whether it is possible to find both. The answer is “yes.” Let’s explain a little more. Then we will help you find a regulated broker that offers the type of bonus you are looking for.

Yes, There are Regulated Forex Brokers Offering No Deposit Bonuses

You might be thinking that a no deposit bonus sounds like an offer that is too good to be true and that regulated brokers therefore would not offer it. But this is not the case.

Forex no deposit bonuses are not just “free money,” and brokers offer them for reasons that benefit them as much as they benefit you:

  • The terms and conditions governing withdrawals after accepting a no deposit bonus compel traders to open positions through the broker and maybe even make a deposit eventually.
  • No deposit bonus promotions attract traders who might not otherwise notice the broker or consider opening an account.
  • Brokers know that if they can get you to experience the benefits they offer through their platforms and tools, there is a good chance you will stick around and keep trading.

Hopefully that helps you understand that forex no deposit bonuses are a mutually beneficial promotion, and not something “too good to be true.” So, regulated, trustworthy forex brokers do offer them.

Why it Matters if a Forex Broker is Regulated

Just in case you are not aware of the importance of finding a regulated forex broker, here are a few reasons:

  • Established history. If a broker has been regulated for years, that means they have demonstrated a track record for treating traders fairly and transparently over that timeframe. Being able to see that for yourself helps you to know what you can expect from them in the future.
  • Regulations that protect you. Regulated brokers need to maintain their licensed status by conforming to the rules that their regulators set. Those rules were designed specifically for your protection as a trader. So, you know that a regulated broker is following fair practices. That includes setting fair terms and conditions for no deposit bonuses.
  • Someone to complain to. If by any chance you believe a regulated broker has done something that breaks the rules set by their regulator, you can complain directly to the regulator.

How to Check if a Forex Broker is Regulated

Let’s say there is a forex broker with a no deposit bonus you are thinking about trading with. How can you know if they are regulated?

A good first step is to take a look at the broker’s website. Somewhere on the homepage, it will probably state whether they are regulated. Often, you can find it in the information that is down in the footer. Try scrolling to the bottom to see if it is there.

You might also find this information on the broker’s About page or the terms and conditions page. It is usually pretty easy to find. Brokers who have put in the effort to earn a license and maintain it are generally proud of that fact and will show it off to attract traders.

Once you have found the name of the regulator and the license number, your next step is to head to the regulator’s website. When you are there, look for the database the regulator maintains of all license holders (every regulator has one). This database will be searchable. You can put in the license number if you have it. Suppose you do not, put in the company’s name. Pull up their record to confirm that their license is active and to check if there are or were any complaints about them in the past.

That’s it! If the record confirms that the broker has an active license and is in good standing, then you can feel safe trading with them.

Find Regulated Forex Brokers Offering No Deposit Bonuses Now

Let’s recap what we have learned:

  • No deposit bonuses are not “too good to be true.” They benefit the trader and the broker.
  • Regulated forex brokers do offer no deposit bonuses.
  • Because these brokers are regulated, they follow fair practices when setting terms and conditions for no deposit bonuses. They also operate fairly and transparently in general.
  • You can easily confirm the regulatory status of a forex broker for yourself by looking up the license on the regulator’s website.

To save you time on your search for regulated forex brokers offering no deposit bonuses, we have put together a vetted list. Take a look at our full guide to forex no deposit bonuses to find a trustworthy broker offering an exciting no deposit bonus.

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